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40 mm Aluminum ESP Footblock - Teardrop

40 mm Aluminum ESP Footblock - Teardrop image
40 mm Aluminum ESP Footblock - Teardrop image

Cruising ESP blocks emphasize modern styling with simple design for increased reliabilty, as well as economy.

Traditional in design and construction, ESP blocks feature sleeve bearings (bushings) to handle high static loads and are ideal for halyards or limited purchase systems on cruising boats.
Footblocks are used to redirect lines on the deck.
Made to order: No
Est. Delivery: see chart
Item Lead Time Addl Image Our SKU
Mfg P/N
Specs Status Price Quantity
40 mm Aluminum ESP Footblock - Teardrop6 business days SKU 373710
Mfg p/n 6106
2 in stock $67.19