Boomkicker is a simple, affordable solution to supporting the boom and eliminating the chafe, hang-ups and adjustments of a topping lift.
The Boomkicker includes the Boom Track Fitting on all but the smallest two models. The fitting increases travel and makes it easier to set up.
How will you benefit from a Boomkicker
Less weight and windage aloft for improved sailing performance
In light air, lifting the boom opens the leech for a faster sail shape and more speed
Reefing is safer and easier with better boom control
No friction or sliding parts
Proven reliable and durable: thousands sold
Patented flexing spring provides fast response and a near constant force for higher vang efficiency
Easy installation independent of your vang -- no need to replace existing hardware
Fittings, fasteners, drill bit and tap included
No need to drill the mast with our slides in the luff groove
Noncorroding and silent
Little features with big paybacks!
Self tending for hands off operation. Install It - Forget It!
Guaranteed to make your sailing more enjoyable
Racing or cruising, expert or novice, the Boomkicker is the simple solution.
The 312 and 400 models come with a webbing sling boom attachment which doesn't require drilling. The 500 and larger models come an aluminum track fitting.
Boomkicker installation instructions (opens new window)